What is Lubavitch - What are Shluchim?
There are no trumpets sounded when they arrive in their new home city; no red carpets unrolled in their honor. They have few friends, no relatives, no familiar culture, atmosphere or environment. Many commodities, such as kosher meat, dairy products and other basics, may have to be flown in, but here are certain staples, vitally essential to their mission, which they bring with them by the truckload: Friendliness, affection for all Jews, compassion, tolerance, self-sacrifice, utter devotion and selfless dedication.
Armed with these, they immediately begin their work of outreach-explaining, shedding light, dispelling myths, countering stereotypes. “What does it mean to be a Jew?” “Rabbi, how can I observe the Shabbat-when my store has its best sales on Saturday?” “How are Mitzvot relevant today, in this community?” The Shluchim of Chabad Lubavitch don’t insist; they suggest. They don’t take over, they give over. They do not criticize; they encourages. They do not “preach down” at people; they act as genuine equals, a friend. And the revolution begins. It takes place without anyone realizing it. A few years fly by, and, “out of nowhere,” it is a familiar and accepted sight to see families with Sukkot, observing Shabbat, eating kosher, etc. …
Rabbi Yossi and Chanie Jacobson arrived in Des Moines Iowa as Lubavitch Shluchim (Emissary’s of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi. M. M. Schneerson ) in September of 1992 with their 4 month old son Leibel.
They established the Judaic Resource Center of Iowa and Publish, The Jewish Spark Magazine, which is sent out throughout the State of Iowa together with a beautiful Statewide Community Art Calendar.
The Judaic Resource Center offers many programs;
Community Services: Humanitarian Aid and Annual Blood Drive.
Education: Early childhood Center, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Instruction, Sunday school, Adult Education, Lunch & Learn Classes and Campus outreach.
Family Services: Assistance with Bris, Baby naming, Marriage Preparations and Jewish Funerals- Chevrah Kaddishah.
Food Services: Maccabee’s Kosher Deli and Judaica Store, Iowa Chai K Kosher Inspection and Koshering services for homes and Hotels.
Religious Assistance: Tefillin, Mezuzot, Purim kits and Matzah distribution.
Shabbat and Holidays: Shabbat Hospitality, Public Menorah Lightings and Chanukah events, Passover Seders, Shabbat and Holiday Services, Traditional Shabbat Retreat and all Jewish Holiday Celebrations.
Visitations: Hospital, Senior and Prison visitations.
Women’s Services: Mikvah
Rabbi Yossi and Chanie Jacobson together with their 7 beautiful Children are committed to serve the Jewish Community with continued devotion, love and respect.
Am Yisroel Chai!
Lubavitch Centers around the State.
Lubavitach of Iowa’s Judaic Resource Center
Rabbi Yossi and Chanie Jacobson
943 Cummins Parkway Des Moines Iowa 50312
Maccabee’s Glatt Kosher Deli and Judaica
1148-1150 Polk Blvd Des Moines Iowa 50311
Lubavitch of Iowa City
Rabbi Avrohom and Chaya Blesofsky
Lubavitch of Quad Cities
Rabbi Shneur and Chana Cadaner